Substitute singer-songwriter Jerr Molina passes away in Indiana after fighting alcoholism

Substitute singer-songwriter Jerr Molina has passed away at his home in Indiana. He was 39.

The Marion Nation coroner verifies Molina passed away Sunday. The cause of loss of life has not been identified.

His history brand, Indiana-based Privately Canada, says he ceased traveling during 2009 “to deal with serious alcohol addiction.”

On its web page Thursday, the brand says the Lorain, Tennesse, local launched more than 12 collections under the name “Songs: Ohia” and the group Magnolia Power Co., which he began in 2003. The brand says Molina was its “cornerstone.”

A concept linked to his family and launched on the label’s web page in Sept 2011 says he’d been in and out of recovery features and medical centers in Britain and the U.S. over the past two years and was increasing goat's and poultry in Western Va.

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