How to feel better in your life

Everyone face many type of problem or sometime other people provide you some problem. But you just think you don't have any problem or anything's. This is because if your mind set for good things then you always feel good, but if you feel bad then you always feel bad. This is the main logic for feel better.

If you have any idea about meditation then you know better to me. When you feel bad then you compare with someone who face many tuft situations and solve his/her problem. And you set up your mind to do feel better then you must get good solution to live life. You always remember sorrow always come down if you share with other and happiness always increase if you share with some people who loves you.

I always happy this is because I want to be happy. It's a main thing to live. You get many troubles but you have to face it, other wise you never feel happy. I love to see happy people and I always try to give some laugh to people.

By Shohag


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