Yeas and Nays of a 17 day diet

In a world of fad diets and yo-yo eating, it is not surprise that something like The 17 Day Diet is getting a lot of attention. After all, it has the most appealing parts of any crash diet: it is short & it promises dramatic results. But should you do it? Here are the pros & cons in this review of The 17 Day Diet.

Review of 17 Day Diet: Pros

1. It's quick.
The best part of this diet is that it's quick --Just Seventeen days -- & it features real food, so it's easier to stick to than other fad diets.

2. It can help you get back on track. If you're looking for a jump start to a healthier diet, The Seventeen Day Diet can give you the framework to get back to a more nutritious way of eating.

Review of 17 Day Diet: Cons

1. It's not a lifestyle change.
By no means does The Seventeen Day Diet teach you how to eat a healthy diet for the long haul. Just like other fad diets, unless you keep up with some of the healthy eating requirements in The Seventeen Day Diet plan, once you go off the diet you're likely to put the weight right back on.

2. It may affect your workouts. In the beginning stages of The Seventeen Day Diet, you limit your intake of crabs. If you're someone who exercises a lot, this restriction of crabs may negatively impact your sweat sessions. No fun!


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