The Cartel multiplayer trailer is a bloody, chaotic mess Call of Juarez

Ubisoft releases a multiplayer trailer for Tec land's Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood sequel subtitled The Cartel.

The 1st thing you might notice about this multiplayer trailer for Tec land's upcoming Ubisoft published 1st person shooter Call of Juarez: The Cartel is that it does not look quite as strong visually as its predecessor, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, did. Then you will notice that it does not matter, because all of that chaotic gunplay looks kinda fun.

Ubi dropped the latest trailer for The Cartel today in advance of the game’s July 19 release next week. You do not get a very detailed look at what each mode entails in the minute and a half long run-through of the multiplayer modes, but you do get a sense of things. Team Death match is pretty self explanatory, as is Star Witness, an escort/assassinate the VIP mode. Cartel Deal is a little less clear; it looks like TDM, only with a big helicopter shooting at everyone from on high. Which is an undeniably neat twist, if that’s how the mode works?

Bound in Blood and its predecessor (titled simply Call of Juarez) are period 1st person shooters set in the Wild West. The Cartel winds the clock forward to the present day, following three colorful law enforcement agents through a variety of locations. While some fans complain that the change in time period runs the risk of losing the spirit of the series, Techland has proven time and again that it’s got some great ideas hidden away. Don’t count The Cartel out until the reviews are in.

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