New Tattoo of a Guy's Name Is Sweet in Jennifer Aniston's Right Foot.

Jennifer Aniston got her first tattoo recently and revealed it in New York while on the town on Friday.

For some of us, there will never be a right time to tattoo the name of a favorite boyfriend on your body for all eternity. However, Jennifer Aniston must be feeling pretty strongly about hers because Jennifer just had his name inked on the inside of her right foot (if you squint, you can see it at the right).

Yes, I'm sure Aniston's boyfriend Justin Theroux knows all about the tattoo already. How could he not? It's not exactly a small tattoo, and its sandal season. However, I'm sure he's also perfectly fine with the fact that the name on her foot does not read "Justin" (gawd, it's too soon! but I had you wondering, didn't I? or maybe you're way too smart to be fooled ... ).

So let's take a look at whose name did make Jen's bod.

It's a sweet story really -- Jennifer Aniston got the name of her beloved dog Norman tattooed on her foot. Norman was Jennifer's corgi-terrier mix, who died at age 15 back in May. The other night when she was filming Inside the Actor's Studio, she reportedly answered James Lipton's famous favorite word question with a simple "Norman." So sweet.

I get it. Pets can change your life, and they become part of your family, especially a pet like Norman who went everywhere with Aniston. I'm sure it makes her happy every day to look down and see his name memorialized that way.


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